At Premier Eye Care Shelby, NC, our dedicated mission revolves around offering an array of optimal dry eye treatment options. Our priority is to reinstate the eye comfort you rightfully deserve.

Unlock the Comfort You Deserve with Premier Eye Care:

Let Premier Eye Care Shelby, NC, under the guidance of Dr. Carrie Carpenter, be your gateway to lasting dry eye relief. We’re not only committed to solutions but also to ensuring you regain the comfort your eyes deserve. Don’t let dry eyes impede your well-being. Take action today by scheduling your appointment and embarking on a journey towards revitalized eye health.

Dry Eye Treatment Shelby, NC

Dry Eye Treatment by Celluma Light Therapy

Relieve Dry Eye Discomfort with Celluma Low Light Therapy, Recommended by Dr. Carrie Carpenter

Tired of battling dry, irritated eyes? Seeking a solution backed by the expertise of Dr. Carrie Carpenter? Look no further than Celluma Low Light Therapy—an innovative approach to treating dry eyes that’s transforming the landscape of eye care.

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Lacrimal Plugs

Vera180 Synthetic Absorbable Lacrimal Plugs:
Synthetic absorbable lacrimal plugs made of poly-p-dioxanone (PDO). Provides extended temporary occlusion lasting approximately 6 months, ideal for treatment of post-surgical dry eye and to determine potential effectiveness of a non-absorbable punctal plug.

FlexFit Sterile Preloaded plugs:
Designed for simple sizing, easy insertion, patient comfort, and superior retention, providing a proven treatment for chronic dry eye. Individually packaged and preloaded on a sterile, disposable inserter.